Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How does Consciousness Work In Humans?

Three Civilisation Errors

1) Genes of both genders permeate a babys cells regardless of their gender plumbing.

2) Libido generally thought to be in us from the very start, is really a post birth sexual genderising from the child's home environment.

3) Adult relationship is to integrate 2) into 1). Libido Duality into expanded Birth Unity thereby expanding Consciousness.

Conception hugely multiplies cellular development of combined M/F over 9 months and when born into breathing reveals a new consciousness. This consciousness is then 'genderised' in 1/2 from the fullness of both parents in the womb. The genderising makes the baby 'attracted' to the love style vibrations emanating from other humans who have that part of the consciousness they experienced in the womb but are missing now. This charges a childs sexual gender libido energy. Libido is the 'Life force' quality, having been generated by the M/F opposite gender excitement. This is the duality of the system from Puberty onwards.

1. Cell building, heart beating, Consciousness arising from the parents past.

2. Gender life force charge needing unification to evolve their future.

When in Adult relationships, this sets up a Continium between the duality of conditional love Consciousness and the Unity of the unconditional love Consciousness.

Cooditional Consciousness is expanded towards unconditional by the Ego libido melting back into the core heart/lungs breathing pulsation and cellular body feelings.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog! I would like to direct your attention to how consciousness might physically be brought into a brain through the organization of endogenous light into a "nexus" or connecting point. Please see for details of Endogenous Light Nexus Theory.
