Monday, May 25, 2009

Sex and Consciousness

Consciousness is a Circle of Life created from Conception. The biggest universal power evolving this consciousness is what we call attraction

Attraction includes the genderising that gives a human an impression of “less than whole” and needs the opposite gender for completing themselves inside this circle.
Love is a product of attraction and gender.

Attraction and Gender get together for Sex and turn invisible power into visible power of Sperm and Egg. Creating a full circle of new consciousness with a visible body.

The post birth home environment charges a baby with stimulation between mother/son and father/daughter. Because both genders are involved, attraction/gender creates potential consciousness. The childs brain, genital and body are energized. Most goes to the brain, which now has the ability to ‘adapt’ the energy charge from the parents gender,to the childs (inversion).

The psychological term nearest is Sublimation. In Chinese thought, ‘Yin turns into Yang’.

Parents are unknowingly passing on to their opposite gender children, their Consciousness via, attraction. The Gender difference excites when interacting. This potential Consciousness energy, winds up as part of the childs storage of life force. This is when the incoming charge turns outgoing at Puberty (Libido).

Because the universal charge of expansion arises from both genders separately, it is polarised into a Dual system. Consciousness only grows from the existing systems unity. It has not yet been grounded in the shift from invisible to visible, stimulation force to body.

A million years back into our evolving history without attraction, reproduction was by cells dividing. This is still part of our system then gender and warm blood came along when reptilers came out of the sea breathing air instead of water. Instead of laying eggs ‘internal fertilisation’ put the Attraction of sexual intercourse on the list of ways to use the opposite gender body contact as an exciting “Turn On”.

The big volume of energy increase has been in the Ape to Human period where the Brain has evolved adaptor power which can use opposite gender power to increase birth gender further into excitement.

Some people think Gay and Lesbian are negative developments. In fact it is a statement of higher stimulation and therefore available to be transformed into more Consciousness/Unity.

Currently the Pill and Vasectomy are reducing fear of reproduction. Viagra with the brains fantasy ‘turn on’ increasing the Attraction further to make recreation sex a pastime.

Increasing Turn On for parents is passed onto the childs stimulation as well. Sex is leading the evolution of Consciousness. Sexuality is part of duality and must be worked through to Unity. Orgasm has an imploding inwards effect, as much as the sperm carrier explosion outwards. Men holding themselves rigid, or breath holding are stopping the implosion returning through the body with its emotional development.

Penis pain is indicative of poor emotional capacity. Tears are a good sign. Sex is to open a person to their full force. Bodily, emotionally, consciously. Working through achieves an intimacy a Oneness with another human, rather than a sex partner.
This has been my experience.

The expanding universe expands through us via Attraction energy, this pulsates and is regulated by contractions which causes a system of Duality. Conception to birth sets in motion the conscious body. Evolved from opposites up/down, wet/dry, hot/cold to expand/contract cellular existence. Motion to Matter. “Mitosis” cell division stays with us all our life as mixed gender.

Another system got going with Intercourse, heightening the invisible attraction between males and females (sexual libido) upping the potential for Consciousness but not yet grounded/integrated into the body consciousness (erogenous zones) still dual systems, where full consciousness is singular.

It’s a bit of a worry because Duality could well be causing a great deal of human pathology. Leading to the ‘weakest link’ and shorter life spans. Its good that the systems evolved separately but now they need to pulsate together for harmony. Males tend to lead from their libido/brain side. Females from heart/body.

Humanity has a long way to go to evolve to Unity Consciousness but, we have come a long way from the Apes. Instinctual Sexuality.

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